The Seine-Scheldt EEIG visits the Seine-Nord Europe Canal worksite

On 10 November 2023, the members of the Seine-Scheldt EEIG held their monthly meeting in Compiègne, at the invitation of the Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe (SCSNE).

After reviewing the issues on the agenda, the representatives visited the Maison du Canal du Compiégnois et du Noyonnais, which presents the Seine-Nord Europe Canal and all its facilities in the Oise region.

The partners then visited the worksite which began a year ago in Montmacq (Oise) to see the work in progress concerning the re-routing of the river Oise and the construction of the bridges (in particular the first one) over the future Canal, an essential link in the Seine-Scheldt European river network.


Copyright ©ORO-SCSNE

These first major works, necessary for the future 107 km river link between Compiègne and Aubencheul-au-Bac, are being carried out by SCSNE and financed by the European Union (as part of the Connecting Europe Facility), the French State, the Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France regions, and the Nord, Oise, Pas-de-Calais and Somme departments.

Copyright ©Odile et Jean-Christophe Hecquet