On Monday 18 November, the 1st North Sea – Rhine – Mediterranean (NSRM) European Transport Corridor Forum was held in Brussels. Chaired by the corridor’s European coordinator Paweł Wojciechowski, the forum brought together around 90 representatives from national administrations, regions and transport infrastructure managers.
Several representatives of the Seine-Scheldt Network, a major link in the corridor, were present, including Gilles Ryckebusch, VNF’s Nord Pas-de-Calais territorial director and manager of the Seine-Scheldt EEIG, Jérôme Dezobry, chairman of the Management Board of the Société du Canal Seine Nord-Europe (SCSNE), and members of the Belgian delegation.
The meeting gave rise to a number of presentations on the studies and work in progress:
-an overview of the political priorities of the new European Commission in the field of transport
-the initial results of the Corridor territorial analysis study
-an update on the CEF Transport calls for proposals
-the latest developments relating to the urban nodes of the TEN-T network
-information on cooperation with RailNetEurope (RNE), Rail Freight Corridor Rhine-Alpine EWIV and Rail Freight Corridor North Sea – Mediterranean.
The 2nd NSRM Corridor Forum is scheduled for June 2025.